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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Engineer Build Order

Later today I'll have video and comment on the Hammerhead/Firewalker missions. But for now, I thought I'd post another leveling guide, this time with the engineer.

Since the Engineer has a wide variety of highly specialized moves, it is best to respec the engineer often. I think the engineer is a very fun class, but I think it is a lot more fun as a second playthrough class when you have 50000+ Element Zero to start with, that you will probably never be able to spend all of. The most important part of the build order then is pre-horizon, and then after that (when respecs are unlocked) situationally changing your build based on the enemies you're going to fight.

(Note, powers are going to be listed by rank, not number of points put in)

Level 1 - Overload 1, Combat Drone 1, Bonus 1
Level 2 - Overload 2, Combat Drone 1, Bonus 1
Level 3 - Overload 2, Incinerate 1, Combat Drone 1, Bonus 1
Level 4 - Overload 2, Incinerate 1, Combat Drone 2, Cryo Blast 1, Bonus 1

Now because the player fights no geth, and because mechs are pretty simple to kill early game, AI Hack is unnecessary. The player benifits far more from both the health boost and cooldown bonus from the passive. Also from here on out, the point in bonus will be implied.

Level 5 - Overload 2, Incinerate 1, Combat Drone 2, Cryo Blast 1, Tech Mastery 1
Level 6 - Overload 2, Incinerate 1, Combat Drone 2, Cryo Blast 1, Tech Mastery 2
Level 7 - Overload 2, Incinerate 1, Combat Drone 2, Cryo Blast 1, Tech Mastery 3
Level 8 - Overload 2, Incinerate 1, Combat Drone 2, Cryo Blast 1, Tech Mastery 3
Level 9 - Overload 2, Incinerate 1, Combat Drone 2, Cryo Blast 1, Tech Mastery 4 (Demolisher)

Early game, I prefer demolisher. As you are mainly fighting mercs, Demolisher benefits your overload power. In addition, Combat Drone doesn't last long enough early game to really benefit much from the duration bonus. Finally, Cryo Blast also is not leveled up enough to really provide the benefit the player would like at this point to make it a better choice than demolisher.

Level 10 - Overload 2, Incinerate 1, Combat Drone 2, Cryo Blast 1, Demolisher - 4
Level 11 - Overload 2, Incinerate 1, Combat Drone 3, Cryo Blast 1, Demolisher - 4
Level 12 - Overload 2, Incinerate 2, Combat Drone 3, Cryo Blast 1, Demolisher - 4

At this point, you should have gone to horizon, If not continue to put points in Combat Drone, taking attack drone (if you watched my videos you'll know that the style of play I advocate suits the combat drone better) and then Incinerate. The reason for taking incinerate over Cryo Blast is solely because of the extra damage done to harbinger, Scions, and Praetorians, the biggest problems on Horizon.

After Horizon:

When Fighting Blue Suns/Eclipse Mercs:

Build Priority: Passive, Combat Drone, Overload, Cryo Blast or Incinerate (pick one)

Example Level 18 build: Demolisher - 4, Attack Drone - 4, Overload - 4 (Area), Incinerate - 3, Cryo Blast - 1

This would be someone focused on damage dealing. Cryo blast will certainly be used, but the focus is on damage. Conversely, you could switch the points in incinerate with cryo blast and go for a more crowd controling build. You may also be able to switch out Demolisher for Mechanic, but you'll have to see whether you have enough tech upgrades to one-shot basic troops with a single Overload. I prefer Area Overload, as I prefer the AOE versions of all engineer powers, because it normally does more than enough damage to basic trooper shields, and against heavier troops, Heavy doesn't result in any less overloads needed.

Fighting Geth:

Build Priority: Passive, Drone, AI Hack, Overload.

Level 18: Mechanic - 4, Attack Drone - 4, AI Hack (Improved) - 4, Overload 2, Cryo Blast 2.

It may strike you as odd to take overload after AI Hack, but the reason is that 3 squadmates have absolutely fantastic anti-geth abilities. Miranda has Overload and the SMG, Garrus has an overload with a passive damage boost, and Zaeed has the best anti-geth ability, squad disruptor ammo. The engineer will be spending most of her/his time hacking geth and distracting with the Drone with pumping Disruptor ammo shots into the enemy, rather than trying to take down shields. 2 points in cryo blast are only for getting the ability to AI Hack.

Against Bloodpack/Collectors:

Build Priorities: Passive, Drone, Incinerate, Cryo Blast.

Level 18 example: Demolisher 4, Attack Drone 4, Incineration Blast - 4, Cryo Blast 2, Overload 2.

Overload is at rank 2 to unlock Incinerate. The reason why Incineration is preferable to cryo blast is its damage dealing potential against krogan and vorcha. However, Cryo blast will still be used fairly often.

Against collectors, I prefer Incineration because of the bonus it gets against barriers (1.5) and its anti-harbinger, scion, and praetorian strength. However, late game the player has 4 anti-barrier squadmates, Samara, Jack, Miranda, and Thane. If you really enjoy CC and don't mind running an all biotic squad, incinerate and cryo blast could be switched. I don't think this is the optimum build but it is not a bad build by any means. Be sure to take the AOE version of cryo blast.

I hope this is helpful. I'll have more on the firewalker missions later today.

Link to Engineering the Asylum Playlist


  1. Thanks AG! You are a master of this game.

  2. Great posts. Keep it up.

  3. Just a rookie and looking for info on 'How To...' deploy that darn drone to a specific point on the game grid. More often than not it spawns right near me...Not Good Cover!

    You have some great guide videos so I'm starting out lucky!
